Entrepreneurs from the Rivne community who create creative products and want to sell them worldwide can participate in the educational
...We remind residents of the community that they can participate in strategic sessions to develop proposals for tasks and actions
...From now on, the Rivne community has an English-language profile on the Cities4Cities | United4Ukraine initiative website, which facilitates the
...The Embassy of the Czech Republic in Ukraine is holding a grant competition for 2025 to fund small local projects.
...Yesterday, a working group meeting for the development of the community charter was held. The meeting was chaired by the
...On Sunday, during the City Day celebrations, the local producers' festival-exhibition "Choose, Support, Buy Rivne" took place. As part of
...Today, a meeting of the tender committee was held regarding the tender procurement for the implementation of the project "Energy
...Today, during the Deputies’ Day, the "Solar Power Plants on Educational Institution Rooftops" project was presented. Nine educational institutions in
...A meeting of the tender committee was held as part of the project "Implementation of Energy Saving Measures in Institutions
...Yesterday, we participated in a pre-tender meeting regarding the reconstruction of the power supply systems for the therapeutic, surgical, and
...Our team organized a working meeting with the heads of the Homeowners' Associations (HOAs) in the community. Yesterday, we discussed
...We participated in an online meeting on "Procurement Organization within the Project 'Energy Efficiency of Public Buildings in Ukraine' (UPBEE)."
...Our team is working on developing a project idea to participate in one of the competitions under the European HORIZON
...The Capital Construction Department of the Executive Committee of Rivne City Council invites participants to take part in a tender