In May 2024, a grant agreement was signed with the Nordic Environmental Finance Corporation (NEFCO), increasing grant funding for the implementation of the project "Investments in Energy Efficiency of Public Buildings and Street Lighting in the City of Rivne."
The grant amount is 4 million 696 thousand euros.
On November 21, 2024, work began on the implementation of the first component - Energy Efficiency of Preschool Education Institutions. Grant funds will be used for the thermal modernization of Preschool Education Institution No. 57 and Preschool Education Institution No. 7.
Contractor: Limited Liability Company "Kortakoz."
The cost of energy efficiency work for Preschool No. 57 is 636 thousand 500 euros, with city co-financing of 329 thousand 500 hryvnias.
The cost of work for Preschool No. 7 is 528 thousand 035 euros, with city co-financing of 266 thousand hryvnias.
At Preschool No. 57, the following measures will be implemented: insulation of walls, plinth, and foundation, replacement of windows and doors with energy-saving ones, inclusion measures, installation of a solar system for water heating, and landscaping.
This year, work is planned for the dismantling and installation of windows and doors, drainage system, electrical installation (laying cables, installing panels, lighting fixtures, switches, sockets - internal work), and the installation of a ventilation system. In January 2025, work will begin on the installation of the solar system and lightning protection with grounding. In March, wall and plinth insulation work will begin.
At Preschool No. 7, similar energy efficiency measures will be implemented, and additionally, solar collectors will be installed, and the roof will be insulated.
The planned completion date for work at both institutions is from November 2024 to August 2025.
As part of this project, in October 2024, the implementation of the second component began - the modernization of street lighting on 27 main streets and 118 secondary streets in the city of Rivne.
Also, with grant funds from the NEFCO corporation, it is planned to install solar photovoltaic power plants on the roofs of the surgical and therapeutic departments of the Rivne Central City Hospital and other municipal healthcare institutions that require constant power supply.
Thanks to grant funds, we will reduce community budget expenditures on energy resources, improve energy use management, and reduce costs by decreasing the consumption of heat, electricity, and water.
A significant portion of the savings from taxpayer money can be additionally directed to support the Armed Forces.
This also provides an opportunity to improve conditions for children, caregivers, and other employees of preschool institutions.