The Department of Strategic Development and Investment of the Department of Economic Development of the Rivne City Council (hereinafter referred to as the Department) is a structural subdivision of the Department of Economic Development of the Rivne City Council, accountable to and under its control. In its activities, the Department is subordinate to the Department of Economic Development of the Rivne City Council and the mayor. The Department is subject to the control of the relevant executive authorities regarding the exercise of powers delegated to it by the executive authorities.
The main tasks of the Department are:
- determination of the main directions of implementation of the investment policy, development of measures aimed at attracting investments, including foreign credit and grant resources, for the development of the economic and investment potential of the Rivne urban territorial community;
- participation in the development and implementation of programs and measures aimed at creating a favorable investment climate;
- interaction with foreign financial funds and organizations, monitoring the possibilities of attracting and using financing for urban investment projects from potential external sources (banks, international donors and projects, governments, etc.);
– organization and holding of meetings and/or presentations of the community's investment potential for potential investors, foreign investors (investor representatives), international financial organizations, etc.;
- preparation and distribution of presentation materials on the investment potential of the community at the national and international levels;
- formation of a list of investment projects, offers and sites of communal and private property (objects of the greenfield, brownfield type, production premises, office premises, etc.);
- coordination and control, within the limits of their powers, of the activities of the executive bodies of the Rivne City Council in the field of foreign economic relations, investment activities and the implementation of grant projects;
- participation in the development and implementation of international technical assistance projects aimed at the socio-economic development of the city;
- participation on behalf of the mayor in negotiations with representatives of business circles, institutions and organizations of foreign countries on issues that belong to the competence of the Department;
- holding forums, conferences, "round tables" on attracting investments, including foreign credit and grant resources for the development of the economic and investment potential of the city of Rivne;
- coordination of work on the development, implementation and monitoring of program strategic documents regarding the implementation of long-term priorities and strategic goals of the city's development;
- monitoring and analysis of the main indicators of investment and foreign economic activity, preparation of analytical materials;
- performance of other functions arising from tasks assigned to the Department.
Department of Strategic Development and Investment of the Department of the Rivne City Council was formed in accordance with the decision of the Rivne City Council of December 30, 2008, No. 2133 "On Amendments to the Structure of the Executive Bodies of the Rivne City Council, the Office of the Council and its Executive Committee, as well as the Regulations on the Department of Service in the bodies of local self-government and personnel and regime-secret work ".