The platform is created for businesses that need relocation.
If you have free production facilities (areas, warehouses, premises) that will help large and small enterprises to continue working, submit them to the platform.
Anyone who publishes the information about free spaces gets the opportunity to lease it for free, on the paid basis, or sell it.
You can view the list of available vacant industrial premises in the Rivne Municipal Territorial Community by following the link.
If you need to relocate a business from dangerous areas, fill out brief information about the type of your business and the need for production space, resources, etc. by clicking on the link.
The list of urgent needs is processed by the employees of the Department of Economic Development of the Rivne City Council.
The Rivne Municipal Territorial Community will be comfortable for your relocated businesses. Because already 24 businesses from the war zone moved to the community. These companies produce clothing, food, run restaurant business, medical services, etc.
We encourage you to continue your business in the Rivne Municipal Territorial Community. And we are glad to help you with this.