A working online meeting of representatives of the Executive Committee of the Rivne City Council, NEFCO, Sveco and Garde took place within the framework of the NEFCO-3 project “Energy Efficiency in municipally-owned buildings and facilities of the city of Rivne and modernisation of street lighting”.
This is the third project jointly implemented by the Executive Committee of the Rivne City Council with NEFCO, and is aimed at reducing CO2 emissions and energy consumption.
The meeting was attended by Deputy Mayors Oleg Pishchansky and Igor Krechkevych, structural units of the Executive Committee of the Rivne City Council, involved in the working group for the project and representatives of NEFCO, Sweco, Garde.
The participants of the meeting discussed the updating of the physical data of the objects included in the above-mentioned project, the principles of procurement planning and formation of lots.