In the city of Rivne, during 2017-2019, two projects were implemented jointly with the Northern Environmental Financial Corporation NEFCO regarding the thermal modernization of three educational institutions, namely: Rivne Lyceum No. 18, Rivne Lyceum No. 27, and Rivne Lyceum No. 26.
As a result of the implementation of the projects, there was a significant saving in the consumption of energy resources by institutions, namely electricity and heat. Savings in percentage equivalent in 2021 compared to the period before the implementation of the project (in 2017) is from 30 to 49%, depending on the utility. Energy savings range from 14 to 18%, depending on the specific facility.
If we compare the consumption of energy carriers by educational institutions in 2022 and 2017, the savings in electricity consumption are 33-43%, and the savings in heat consumption are 36-60%, depending on the institution. More detailed calculations of energy consumption savings by communal educational institutions of Rivne can be viewed in the attached presentation material.
We would like to thank the NEFCO company for fruitful cooperation, which contributes to significant savings in the budget of the territorial community.Attachments
- прогрес проєктів НЕФКО 1.pdf (1.951 mebibytes)