In the city of Rivne, a project on thermal modernization of the educational complex has been implemented № 26
In the city of Rivne, a project on thermal modernization of the educational complex has been implemented № 26

Work on the implementation of the NEFCO-2 project "Implementation of energy-saving technologies in the educational institution of Rivne" has been completed, namely the educational complex (NEC) № 26, Pavlyuchenko, 24 in the city of Exactly.

The project was implemented by the Executive Committee of the Rivne City Council together with the Northern Environmental Finance Corporation NEFCO, within the framework of the Energy Saving Program.

The project carried out the following main measures for thermal modernization in № 26:

- insulated facades, plinth;

- windows and glass blocks, doors were replaced;

- the roof with the device of a membrane covering is warmed, the roof of a tent roof over the pool is replaced;

- arranged a metal ramp for low mobility groups in front of the main entrance.

The total cost of the project was UAH 22 million, of which UAH 12.5 million was borrowed from NEFCO in the form of a loan, the rest was co-financed from the city budget. The payback period of the project is 7.1 years.

The initiator and coordinator of the project was the Department of Strategic Development and Investment of the Executive Committee of the Rivne City Council.

It should be noted that the working group for the implementation of the investment project involved representatives of the Department of Education, the Department of Capital Construction, the Department of Budget and Finance of the Executive Committee of the Rivne City Council.

During the preparation and implementation of the project, the Strategic Development and Investment Department also organized workshops and meetings, which were attended by representatives of the working group, NEFCO, SWECO & Garde (investment project management consultants).

The results of the project are: improvement of the climate in the educational complex, creation of comfortable working conditions for teachers, improvement of material and technical, sanitary, aesthetic conditions for students and other staff in the educational complex, reduction of CO2 emissions, reduction of energy consumption. will significantly reduce expenditures from the city budget.

As the project is focused on the public buildings sector, the results of its implementation have aroused high interest among various sections of the population of Rivne: school principals, teachers, students, their parents and other citizens. This will further develop the concept of investing in energy efficiency.

In addition, the thermo-modernized building visually improved the atmosphere in the city.

For reference:

NEFCO Northern Environmental Finance Corporation is an international financial organization established in 1990 by Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden.

NEFCO funds a wide range of environmental projects in Central and Eastern Europe, including Ukraine. NEFCO finances projects with environmental benefits, acts as the Fund's manager for Northern Europe, the USA, Germany, the Netherlands, Russia, the EU.

The total value of the funds managed by NEFCO is currently € 550 million.

The Framework Agreement between NEFCO and the Government of Ukraine was ratified in 2010.

The cooperation of the Executive Committee of the Rivne City Council with the Northern Environmental Financial Corporation NEFCO has been going on since 2015.
