Since the beginning of the year, preparatory work aimed at the launch of a joint investment project between the Rivne Territorial Community and the Nordic Environmental Financial Corporation NEFCO regarding "Implementation of energy saving in institutions and institutions belonging to communal property of Rivne and modernization of street lighting" has been ongoing.
We would like to remind you that the Project includes two components, namely: the implementation of thermal modernization measures and the modernization of street lighting, which is quite energy efficient from the point of view of saving costs of the city budget. The first component will include a number of measures for thermal modernization of educational institutions in the city of Rivne, such as: insulation of foundations and walls, insulation of roofs, replacement of windows and doors with energy-efficient ones; installation of individual heat points (ITP) and balancing of the heating system; replacement of outdated kitchen equipment; installation of solar collectors, installation of aerators to reduce water consumption; installation of air recuperators in sports halls, replacement of internal lighting lamps with energy-efficient ones, inclusiveness measures (arrangement of ramps, laying of tactile tiles, etc.). The total number of communally owned buildings included in the project is 31, of which 11 institutions are subject to full thermal modernization (preschool education institutions - No. 7, 14, 33, 35, 46, 57, preschool education institution (nursery-kindergarten) of the compensating type, (special) "Paginets Center" of the Rivne City Council; secondary school - No. 8, 13, 28, Rivne educational and rehabilitation center "Special Child" of the Rivne City Council).
The second component "street lighting" will include: replacing more than 4,000 lamps on 81 city streets with new lamps with LED lamps and installing a SCADA system for street lighting in the control center of KP "Misksvitlo").
After agreement between the project partners, namely - a working group led by Deputy Mayor Ihor Krechkevych, which includes representatives of the Department of Strategic Development and Investment, the Department of Budget and Finance, the Department of Capital Construction, the Department of Education, KP "Misksvitlo" and the Central Office of NEFCO in In Ukraine, technical consultants SVECO and GARDE of the necessary technical details and conditions, the implementation of the first part of the planned activities enters the active phase, namely the replacement in 31 buildings belonging to the municipal property of the city of equipment that will improve the quality and economy when using indoor lighting, as well as the replacement of outdated kitchen equipment in preschool educational institutions and the installation of aerators to reduce water consumption for a total of 2 million 984 thousand UAH.
As a result of the works, in addition to improving the conditions for children and workers in the premises, the costs of electricity consumption and water supply will be reduced, which will allow the city authorities to use financial resources for other urgent issues, including social projects.