The Rivne City Territorial Community, together with the Nordic Environment Finance Corporation, continues the implementation of the NEFCO - 3 project
The Rivne City Territorial Community, together with the Nordic Environment Finance Corporation, continues the implementation of the NEFCO - 3 project

The Nordic Environment Finance Corporation is an international organization (founded in 1990 by Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden) that finances an extremely wide range of environmental projects in Central and Eastern Europe, including Ukraine.

We will remind that the cooperation of the city with NEFCO began in 2015, and as of the end of 2020, NEFCO - 1 and NEFCO - 2 projects were successfully implemented, the results of which were the implementation of complex energy-efficient measures in general education schools No. 18 and 27 and NEC No. 26 ( the total amount of funds invested by NEFCO in the city community amounted to more than UAH 20 million).

Since the beginning of September 2018, preparations for the implementation of the NEFCO - 3 project "Implementation of energy saving in institutions and institutions belonging to the communal property of the city of Rivne and modernization of street lighting" were carried out, which resulted in the signing in December 2020 between the Rivne City Council and Northern Ecological Financial Corporation of the Credit and Grant Agreement and the actual launch of the project.
We bring to your attention a short report on the status of project implementation, the file is attached below.

