The Rivne City Territorial Community is establishing cooperation with the European Commission
The Rivne City Territorial Community is establishing cooperation with the European Commission

The Department of Strategic Development and Investment of the Rivne City Council's Executive Committee prepared and submitted an application for the tender announced by the European Commission, which is implemented by the Europa Nostra organization. This is the most prestigious EU competition in the field of cultural heritage protection, which for 20 years has been celebrating the best practices that define and promote the preservation and expansion of tangible and intangible cultural heritage; stimulate the cross-border exchange of knowledge throughout Europe; raise public awareness and provide an opportunity to appreciate Europe's cultural heritage; encourage future initiatives based on successful examples.

Last year, the Department of Strategic Development and Investment together with partners implemented the grant project "Cultural heritage of cuisine - promotion of culinary traditions through the professionalization of the gastronomic offer of Lublin and Rivne" within the framework of the Poland-Belarus-Ukraine Cross-Border Cooperation Program 2014-2020, European Instrument The neighborhood, the total cost of which was 65,828 euros, and the implementation period lasted from February 1, 2020 to July 31, 2021.

As part of the project, a promotional campaign of the culinary heritage of Rivne and Lublin was carried out; a catalog of recipes for traditional dishes of the city of Rivne was developed and produced; two strategies of cooperation and marketing communications for the promotion of traditional culinary heritage were developed (for the cities of Rivne and Lublin); an Agreement on cooperation in the field of gastronomic tourism was signed, an international gastronomic conference was held in Lublin and the gastronomic festival "Matsyk" was held in the city of Rivne.

The results of the implementation of this particular project, the experience gained, as well as the knowledge gained became the basis for preparation for participation in the EU competition.
According to the results of the competition, up to 30 outstanding properties from all over Europe will be awarded, 5 of which will receive a grand prize of 10,000 euros. One winner will also receive a People's Choice Award as a result of online voting conducted by Europa Nostra.

Also, implemented initiatives that were submitted to the competition will receive promotion from the European Commission, Europa Nostra and partners of the award with the help of industry conferences, expert publications; membership of a community of more than 500 professionals and experts in the field of cultural heritage, as well as a free annual membership of the Europa Nostra organization.
