Representatives of the international company NEFCO visited preschools in the city of Rivne, where modern kitchen equipment will be installed
Sep 6, 2021
Recently, a meeting was held as part of the implementation of the NEFCO-3 project "Implementation of energy saving in institutions and institutions belonging to the municipal property of Rivne and modernization of street lighting", which is being implemented by the Rivne City Council together with the Northern Environmental Financial Corporation NEFCO.
The main topic of the meeting was the discussion of the specifics of the implementation of measures to replace outdated kitchen equipment in preschools with modern ones (induction stoves, steam convection ovens) and the purchase of water taps with nozzles for water aeration.
The meeting was held with the participation of Deputy Mayor Ihor Krechkevych, representatives of NEFCO, Garde, the project implementation group, which includes representatives of the Department of Strategic Development and Investment, the Department of Education, the Department of Capital Construction, as well as representatives of the Contractor company that won the tender for supply and installation of kitchen equipment and water taps.
The participants of the meeting also visited a number of preschool education institutions, namely the premises where modern kitchen equipment will be installed.
In the near future, the Contractor will start fulfilling his obligations under the Contract Agreement, and the staff of preschool education institutions will be able to use the most modern technologies for preparing food for children.
We would like to remind you that the purchase of kitchen equipment and water faucets will take place for the Center "Paginets", the Rivne educational and rehabilitation center "Osoblyva Dytyna", preschool education institutions No. 7, 14, 33, 35, 41, 44, 46, 47, 57 for a total amount of 2 UAH 85,000 million.