Employees of the Department of Strategic Development and Investment participated in the training program
Apr 1, 2022
Today, representatives of the administration took part in training under a special short-term training program "Some aspects of the organization of local self-government activities under martial law".
During the training, the following topics were considered: the organization by local self-government bodies of a set of measures for the integration of internally displaced persons and the implementation of decisions on internal displacement; peculiarities of labor relations in the conditions of martial law; the implementation of separate decisions of local governments regarding the organization and conduct of national resistance in connection with the military aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine (voluntary formations of territorial communities).
The training took place thanks to the Rivne Regional Center for retraining and advanced training of employees of state authorities, local self-government bodies, state enterprises, institutions and organizations in cooperation with experts of the USAID "HOVERLA" Project.
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