On July 11, 2018, the first Forum "Implementation of automated fare payment system in public transport" took place in Rivne. The forum participants tried to find the optimal solution for the implementation of an electronic ticket in Rivne. At the invitation of Rivne Mayor Volodymyr Khomko, 9 companies from Ukraine, Israel, Estonia and France presented their comprehensive solutions for our city.
– Запровадження у Рівному «єдиного електронного квитка» – неминуче. Альтернативи цьому немає, – наголосив міський голова Рівного Володимир Хомко. – Однак готові рішення для європейських міст, на жаль, не зовсім адаптовані для нас. Потрібен проект, який враховуватиме українську ментальність – як би дивно це не звучало. Я маю на увазі, зокрема, ефективну систему контролю оплати за проїзд. Без неї ми отримаємо масу «зайців» у транспорті і збитки. It is necessary to consider also specifics of public transport, after all at us trolleybuses are municipal, and minibuses - private. The optimal solution may be the simultaneous creation of a single transport company in Rivne. It does not matter in principle what form of ownership it will be - a utility or, for example, a joint stock company. It is more important that in this case we will be able to cover the most unprofitable routes with transport as much as possible, compensating these losses with profitable directions. In any case, we would like to find a company that has experience and offers the best solution. That in the budget of next year we provided means for its implementation, - Vladimir Khomko summarized.