Forum 451°E
Forum 451°E

Today, September 14, 2018, representatives of the Office for Strategic Development and Investment are participating in the Forum 451 ° E, which is taking place in Lviv.

Forum 451 ° E is 2 days, 4 topics, 11 cities, 13 foreign speakers and 250 participants from all over Ukraine. Main topics for discussion: Smart Governance, Smart Economy, Smart People and Smart Living. The aim is to get acquainted with the experience of Smart City implementation in the Netherlands, Austria, Spain, Israel, Poland, Germany, Australia, USA.

Among the participants of the forum: government officials responsible for the development of e-government in Ukraine; representatives of leading organizations for the development of e-government in Ukraine; mayors and representatives of relevant associations; OTG representatives; representatives of foundations and donor organizations interested in the development of e-democracy and e-government; representatives of public organizations; students studying in the areas of "Public Administration" or "Smart city".
